Supporters listed here are prominent individuals, drawn internationally from the areas of Politics, Economics, Journalism or Academia, who have expressed support for LVT through published articles or academic papers. Click on the highlighted name to open the relevant article or website:
24.3.09. Samuel Brittan: Economist / Journalist. Economics Editor, Financial Times.
24.3.09. Prof. Iain McLean: Prof. of Politics, Oxford U.
11.4.09. Peter Wilby: Journalist, Ex. Editor, New Statesman. 15.04.09. Toby Lloyd: Independent housing consultant and former government advisor on housing. Former director of policy at Shelter.
22.5.09 Dr. Neville Bennett: (Aus.), Economics Editor, National Business Review.
10.8.09. Ashley Seagar: Economist /Journalist
3.12.09. Clive Anderson: BBC Presenter. Ex. Barrister.
29.1.10. Richard Reeves: Economist, Ex Director, Demos. Advisor to Nick Clegg.
13.7.10. Polly Toynbee; Journalist. Assoc. Editor, Independent.
19.7.10. Prof. Herman Daly (US): Economist, Ex.World Bank. Prof. U. of Maryland
7.8.10: Prof. Michael Hudson (US): Economist, U of Missouri. Ex. Wall St. analyst
7.8.10. Dr. Diarmid Weir PhD. econ. Sterling U. LVT advisor to Scottish Parliament
7.8.10. Martin Wolf: Financial Editor, Financial Times.
26.8.10. Andy Burnham, MP: Labour Shadow Minister for Education.
2.9.10. Benjamin Fox: Marketing Consultant. Advisor to EU Economic Affairs Committee.
25.9.10. Mark Braund: Journalist / Social commentator.
10.10.10. Will Hutton: Journalist. Ex.Editor, Observer.
19.10.10. Jason Cowley: Editor, New Statesman.
23.11.10 Lord John Shipley: Ex. (Lib. Dem) leader, Newcastle City Council.
3.1.11. Philippe Legrain: Economist. Chief Analyst, Bureau of European Policy Advisors.
1.7.11. Calista Cheung: (Can.) Senior Economics Rep. Bank of Canada.
1.9.11. George Eaton: Journalist, Political editor, New Statesman.
6.9.11. Lord Dick Newby: Economist, Lib.dem Peer, Tax advisor to HMRC.
14.9.11 Prof. Peter Ambrose: Prof. of Housing and Health, Brighton University.
4.11.11 Michael Kumhof: Deputy Chief Editor, Research Dept, IMF. (video)
9.11.11. Dr. Micheál L. Collins: Prof. of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin 22.09.11. Peter Smith: Environmental economist and CEO of the Wildwood Trust, Kent, UK
15.12.11 Dr. Bob Colenutt: Head of Research, Urban Affairs, Northampton U. 27.1.12 Ronan Lyons: Economist, Journalist (Ireland)
3.2.12 Mark Drakeford: Welsh Assembly Labour AM, Cardiff West.
8.2.12. Nicholas Boles MP: Former Tory MP and Director Policy Exchange
8.2.12: David Cowan: Tory activist, Cambridge University & Egremont Group
27.2.12. Nicholas Shaxson: Journalist, Author , Researcher for Tax Justice Network.
1.3.12 Merryn Somerset Webb: Editor-in-Chief, Moneyweek.
7. 6.12. Dr. Adam Leaver: Prof. of Accounting & Society, Sheffield University
22.8.12. Charles Secrett: Former Director, FOE. UK. Founder, Robertsbridge Group.
4.9.12. Dr.Duncan Stoddard: Economist, Farmer, Author. Data scientist at DS Analytics.
11.9.12. Bernadette Meaden: Social / Catholic activist. Writer for the Christian thinktank ‘Ekklesia’
16.9.12 Philip Inman: Economics correspondent for Guardian and Observer.
27.9.12 David J Webb: Libertarian writer on Chinese Politics and Economics.
27.9.12. Victoria White: Environmentalist, Journalist, Irish Examiner.
25.10.12. Jenny Jones: London mayoral candidate, Green Party
21.1.13 George Monbiot: Author, Journalist, Environmental activist.
13.2.13. Simon Tilford: Economics advisor to Centre for European Reform. Ex. advisor to European Commission, House of Lords, etc.
8. 5.13 Andy Hull: Islington Councillor. Ex. Researcher at IPPR. Ex. Police Policy Officer
14.5.13. Mark Walton: Environmental scientist. Advisor to Defra, DCLG, Canal and River Trust. Director of ‘Shared Assets’.
3.6.13 Howard Reed: Ex. Chief Economist to IPPR, Director of Landman Economics
19.8.13 Jeff Taylor: Co-editor of the ‘Economic Voice’
20.8.13 Ben Chu: Economics editor, The Independent newspaper
15.9.13 Natalie Bennett: Ex. Green Party Leader.
22.9.13 Johann Lamont: MSP, Ex. Leader of Scottish Labour Party
30.9.13. Dr. Stephen Battersby: President, Institute of Environmental Health. Chair, Pro-housing Alliance
21.11.13: Tim Worstall: Journalist, blogger on economiics. Fellow at Adam Smith Institute
22.11.13 Jesse Myerson: (US) Leader, Occupy Wall Street.
28.11.13. David Fagleman: Research Associate at Res Publica think tank
18.12.13 Zoë Williams: Journalist/Columnist, Guardian, Observer
6.2.14. Prof. Edward Glaeser: Prof. of Economics, Harvard U.
2.3.14. Prof. Danny Dorling: Prof. of Human Geography, Sheffield U. and Oxford U
28.4.14. Paul Abbey: Chief Economist, PWC, Australia. (video)
29.4.14. Prof. Ken gibb: Prof. of Housing Economics, Glasgow U.
1.5.14 Owen Jones: Journalist, author, Guardian columnist.
7.5.14. April Cumming: Vice-chair Scottish Fabians, Electoral Reform Soc. member.
10.7.14. Helen Kersley: Head of Valuations NEF. Ex. HMRC. Ex.European Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
10.7.14. Faiza Shaheen: Head of Inequlity, Save the Children. Ex. NEF & Centre for Cities.
7.10.14. John Christensen: Director, Tax Justice Network. Ex. economic advisor to Jersey government.
11.11.14. Joe Sarling: Economist, Urban Planner. Ex. National Housing Federation, Shelter, RTPI.
13.11.14 Lee Dong-Keon: Tax specialist, PWC, Korea.
1.1.15. Dr Yiming Wang: Economist, Urban planner, lecturer UCL
1.1.15. Dr. Dimitris Potoglou: Senior Lecturer, School of Transport and Planning, Cardiff University.
1.1.15. Dr. Scott Orford: Reader in Spatial analysis, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University.
1.1.15. Dr. Yi Gong: Research Fellow, Cardiff University.
2.1.15. Naomi Smith: Accountant. CEO. of Best for Britain
8.1.15. Darren Johnson: London Assembly, Green party member.
12.1.15. Warwick Smith (Aus): Economist, ecologist, Fellow at Melbourne U.
10.2.15. Jonathan Winship: Lecturer: Accounting and Finance, Open University.
5.2.15. Sam Bowman: Libertarian economist. Former director of Adam Smith Institute.
16.2.15. Kevin Amirehsani: Economist and Author. Analyst at Global Risk Insights.
3.3.15. Dr. Peter Orszag: (US) Economist at Citigroup. Ex. advisor to President Obama.
11.3.15. Prof. Gerry Holtham: Journalist. Lecturer, London Business School, Cardiff U.
19.3.15. Keith Taylor: Green MEP, S.E. England.
23.3.15. Prof. Phang Sock Yong: (Sing). Prof. of Economics, Singapore Management University.
1.4.15. Edward Lucas: Economist , Journalist, Senior editor, Economist magazine.
8.4.15. Jessica Irvine: (Aus). Senior economist, Fairfax Media.
17.4.15. Dame Kate Barker: Ex. researcher NIESR, advisor to CBI, ex. B. of E. MPC.
20.4.15. Prof. Joseph Stiglitz: (US) Nobel Economics Laureate. Ex. World Bank.
5.5.15. Jeff Spross: (US).Economics writer at ‘The Week’ political news magazine.
20.5.15. Stephen Meintjes: (SA.) Economist and Author. Head of Research, Imara Investment Bank. 15.6.15. Prof. Edward T O’Donnell (US): Assoc. prof. of History at College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. Author of Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality.
5.8.15. Jeremy Corbyn MP: Former UK Labour Party leader.
10.8.15 Amol Rajan: Journalist. BBC Radio 4 presenter. Former editor of the Independent
16.8.15. Mathew Taylor: Former Chief Exec of RSA. Ex. Director of IPPR. 5.10.15. Holly Mackay: Independent Investment Advisor. MD. of ‘Boring Money’
14.10.15. Prof. John Kay: Prof. at LSE. Ex. Director IFS. Columnist at FT.
22.12.15. Dr. Andrew Sayer: Prof. of Social Theory and Political Economy, Lancaster University.
15.1.16. Brian Wilson: Journalist. Ex. Labour MP and Minister of State, (1987-2005).
15.2.16. Daran Sarma: Economist & IT specialist. Graduate in Civil Service Fast Stream project.
16.2.16. Josh Ryan-Collins: Assoc. Director, Economy and Finance, NEF.
18.2.16. James Pethokoukis: (US). Economist. Fellow of American Enterprise Institute.
15.3.16. James Nickerson: Business & political reporter at City AM.
22.3.16. Frank Chung: (Aus) Financial reporter for aus.
2.5.16. Jeff Stein: (US). Politics writer, Editor of
16.5.16. Sian Berry AM: Green Party, London Assembly member.
31.5.16. Mike Russell MSP: SNP member.
6.6.16. Joel Anderson: (US). Business writer, Senior editor,, USA.
7.6.16. Dr. Somprawin Manprasert: Chief economist, Siam Commercial bank
22.9.16. Dr. Tom Goodfellow: Economist. Lecturer, Sheffield U.
3.10.16. Prof. Herbert Barry lll: (US). Prof of Psychology, Pittsburgh University 2.11.16. Rory Meakin: Economist, research fellow at Taxpayer’s Alliance. 2.11.16. Ryan Bourne: Chair for Public Understanding of Economics at Cato Institute. Former head of Public Policy at the Institute of Economic Affairs
8.12.16. Prof. Philip Booth: Academic author & IEA Research Director. Ex. advisor to Bank of England. Ex. Professor at Cass Business School.
6.2.17. Rebecca Long-Bailey: Labour MP. Salford and Eccles
6.2.17. Dr. Kate Pickett: Scientist, Co-author of ‘The Spirit Level’, Co-founder of the Equality Trust.
6.2.17. Dr. Richard Wilkinson: Scientist, Co-author of ‘The Spirit Level’, co-founder of the Equality Trust.
6.2.17. Stephen Hill, MRICS. Chartered surveyor. Former director of C2O Future Planners.
26.2.17. Michael Meadowcroft: Liberal- Democrat politician, MP for Leeds West, 1983-87.
18.3.17. Graeme McCormick SNP.
18.3.17 Mary McCaig SNP
19.3.17: Marion Terrill: (Aus.) Transport director, Policy analyst, Grattan Institute, Melbourne,Australia.
3.4.17. Edwin Loo: MRTPI, Singapore. Town
3.5.17. Dr. Gerard Lyons: Economist. Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange think tank
7.6.17. Chris Game: Senior lecturer, Local gov’t. studies. U. of Birmingham.
3.7.17. Anna Minton: Journalist, writer and academic. Author of Big Capital
3.7.17. Ben Wray: Head of Policy and Research at Scottish think–tank Commonweal
3.7.17. Astrid Haas: Senior economist at International Growth Centre. Urban economist at the African Development
19.7.17. Prof. Paavo Monkkonen, (US): Assoc. Prof. Urban Planning, UCLA
19.7.17. Prof. Michael Manville, (US): Asst. Prof. Urban Planning, UCLA
19.7.17. Prof. Michael Lens, (US): Assoc. Prof. Urban Planning, UCLA.
26.7.17. Phillip Davies, (Aus): Chartered engineer, Chief executive of Infrastructure Australia, (advisors to Australian Government).
17.8.17. Russell Lynch: Deputy City Editor, London Evening Standard.
19.8.17. Brijgopal Ladda: (Ind.) Director, Urban Practice at CRISIL (Indian credit rating and investment agency)
23.8.17. Laurie Macfarlane: Senior economist, New Economics Foundation.
5.9.17. Dr Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy (NZ): Auckland University. Article and video.
6.9.17. Adam Creighton (Aus): Journalist. Economics editor at ‘The Australian’ newspaper.
13.10.17. Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp: Founder and CEO, Business for Scotland. Ex member, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce.
18.10.17. Dr. Frank Crowley (Ire): Lecturer in Economics, U. of Cork Business School.
31.10.17. Dr. Nkosana Moyo (Zim.): Prospective Zimbabwean presidential candidate. Wide experience in industry, commerce and finance. Ex. Minister of Industry and Trade.
18.11.17. Patrick Collinson: Money and Finance Editor, the ‘Guardian’
19.11.17 Isaac Olusesi, (Nig.) Government Scientific Officer at Biotechnology Deveopment Agency.
21.11.17. Serban V.C. Enache (Rom.): Romanian Journalist, novelist and blogger on economics.
22.11.17. Paul Finch (Can.): Treasurer, British Columbia Government Employees Union. Ex. IT Analyst and Real Estate Administrator.
23.11.17. Ian King: Sky News Business Presenter. Ex. Business Editor, The Times,
28.11.17. Richard Leonard MSP. Scottish Labour Party leader.
3.12.17. Tony Blair: British Labour Prime Minister (1997-2008).
4.12.17. Matthew Downhour (US) Economics and History Lecturer. Blogger on Medium website
5.12.17. Julian Jessop: Chief Economist IEA. Ex. Chief economist at Global Economics
8.12.17. Kate Macintosh: Scottish architect, Social housing specialist.
9.1.18. Dr. Molly Scott Cato: Green party MEP for SW. England.
16.1.18. Dr. Terry Dwyer (Aus): Australian chartered tax lawyer.
16.1.18. Tom Copley AM: Labour London Assembly member.
22.1.18. John Harris: Journalist and writer. Guardian columnist.
29.1.18. Rev. Paul Nicholson: Former director, Taxpayers Against Poverty.
1.2.18. Prof. Tyler Cowen (US): Prof. of Economics, George Mason U. Columnist for NY Times and Bloomberg View.
13.2.18. Oliver Stanley: Economics editor, Fultum Post (Conservative) news website.
18.2.18. Caroline Lucas MP: Green Party co-leader and MP for Brighton Pavillion.
7.3.18. Alan Mitchell (Aus): Ex. ecnomics editor, Australian Financial Revue.
16.3.18. Prof Paul Collier: Prof. of economics, Oxford University
22.3.18. Bernard Hickey (NZ): Financial journalist and economics columnist for the NZ Herald.
22.3.18. Dr.Max Franks (Ger): Economist. Researcher at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Resarch – video:
29.3.18. Rachel Reeves MP: Labour MP for Leeds West§
19.4.18. Madeline Grant: Journalist. IEA. Editorial Manager. Ex. parliamentary researcher and speechwriter.
4.6.18. Prof. Patrick Condon (Can): Professor of Urban Design and Planning at University of British Columbia.
6.6.18. Peter Franklin: Assistant Editor of ‘Unherd’, media research website. Ex Conservative speechwriter and policy advisor
11.6.18. Dr. Patrick Diamond: Lecturer, Queen Mary U. London. Chair of Policy Network think tank. Former advisor to Tony Blair and Gordon Browna““
27.7.18. Phillip Collins: Economist, Times leader writer, Chairman Demos, Lecturer, LSE.
2.8.18. Larry Elliott: Journalist, Economics editor at the Guardian
2.8.18. Prof. John Muelbauer: Prof. of Economics at Oxford U.
6.8.18. Jonathon Bartley: Economist. Co-leader of Green Party. London Lambeth councillor.
20.8.18. Vince Cable: Former MP and Liberal Democrat leader
30.8.18. Prof. Richard Murphy: Economist, journalist and director of Tax Research
31.8.18. Adam Price AM: Economist. Former Plaid Cymru party leader.
3.9.18. Andrew Dixon: Business investment advisor. Founder of Lib-Dems. Business and Entrepreneurs Network.
7.9.18. Lord Chris Fox: Lib-Dem. Spokesman for Business, Enterprise and Industrial Strategy.
10.9.18. Dr. John Stanton: Senior lecturer in Law, London City University. 14.9.18. Dr. Eoin O’Malley (Irl): Senior lecturer in Political Science, Dublin University 15.9.18. Adam Corlett: Senior economic analyst, Resolution Foundation 15.9.18. Dr. Besmira Dyca: Urban planning researcher, lecturer at Wageningen U, Netherlands. Urban Research lead at World Benchmarking Alliance 24.9.18. Dr. Andrew Coleman (NZ): Economics lecturer, U. of Otago. 27.9.18. Luke Murphy MP: Labour MP for Basingstoke. Former director of IPPR. Author of ‘The Invisible Land’ 27.9.18. James Wyatt: Economist. Chartered surveyor. Director, Parthenia Valuation. 27.9.18. Henry Pryor: Property buying agent. Radio and TV commentator.
11.10.18. Michael Tichelar: Psychotherapist. Author. Visiting fellow in history, University of the West of England. 26.10.18. Ed Conway: Journalist. Economics editor for Sky News.
03.11.18. Simon Wilson: Moneyweek investment advisor. Editor of ‘The Week’ magazine.
20.11.18. Duncan Weldon: Former TUC chief economist and political advisor. BBC Newsnight Economics and Business editor.
15.12.18. Dr. Christopher England (US): Lecturer in US History, Georgetown U
17.12.18. Ben Glover: Economist. Researcher at Demos centre left think tank. Ex. PA to Helen Hayes MP
18.12.18. Martin Rogers: Policy advisor, British Academy Public Policy Committee.
18.12.18. Prof Iain Maclean: Prof. of Politics at Oxford University
17.1.19. Metthew Lesh: Political journalist. Research Fellow at Institute of Public Affairs
5.4.19. Dr. Gareth Bryant (Aus): Lecturer in political economy, U. of Sydney. 14.5.19. Julia Park: Architect and Head of Housing Research at Levitt Bernstein Architects.
31.5.19. Edward Harrison (US): Ex. career diplomat and investment banker. Founder of ‘Credit Writedowns’, economics and financial website.
13.11.19. Sarah Arnold: Economic analyst at British Medical Association. Former senior economist at New Economics Foundation
13.11.19. Lukasz Krebel: Economist at the New Economics Foundation
13.11.19. Alfie Stirling: Research director and chief economist at New Economics Foundation 14.1.20. Prof. Sock-Yong Phang (Sing): Prof. of Economics, Singapore Management University 14.3.20. Prof. Edward Glaeser (US): Prof. of economics at Harvard University
15.5.20. Dr. Cathy Hughes: Head of Dept. of Real estate and Planning, Reading U.
15.5.20. Prof. Sarah Sayce: Prof. of Sustainable Real Estate, Reading U.
15.5.20. Dr. Edward Shepherd: Lecturer in Real Estate Development, Reading U.
11.7.20. John Ball: Former lecturer in economics, Swansea University. 9.9.20. Dan Beiny: MA student at Northeastern University, London
14.9.20. Saul Eslake (Aus): Economist. Vice Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Tasmania. Principal, Corinna Economic Advisory
24.11.20. Shakruh Wani (Pak.): Economist at the International Growth Centre, University of Oxford
15.12.20. Prof Dirk Lôhr (Ger): Prof. of Economics, Trier University, Birkenfeld, Germany
8.2.21. Dr. Gerard Lyons: Economist. Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange. Former advisor to London Mayor Boris Johnson.
23.2.21. Dr Shulu Che (Kor): Dep. Of Global Business and Economics, Changwon National University, S. Korea
23.2.21. Prof. Peter J Stauvermann (Kor): Dep. Of Global Business and Economics, Changwon National University, S. Korea
23.2.21. Dr Ronald Ravinesh Kumar (Fij): School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, University of the South Pacific, Suva Fiji. 26.2.21. Carsten Jung: Senior economist at IPPR. Lecturer in economics at Bayreuth University
1.3.21. Prof. James Galbraith (US): Prof. of economics at Department of Government, University of Texas, Austin
15.3.21. Lee Nellis (US): Community and Land Use Planner. Lecturer at Paul Smith’s College, New York State
16.3.21. Prof Etienne Wasmer (Fr): Prof. of Economics, LIEPP, Sciences Po Paris University
16.3.21. Prof. Guillaume Chapelle (Fr): Asst. Prof o Economics,THEMA, CY Cergy Paris University. Assoc. researcher at LIEPP, Sciences Po Paris University
16.3.21. Alain Trannoy (Fr): Research director, Ecole des haute études en sciences sociales, Paris
16.3.21. Odran Bonnet (Fr): PhD candidate in economics and public policy, Sciences Po Paris University 17.4.21. Prof Peter J Stauvermann: Prof of Economics at Changwon University, South Korea 17.4.21. Dr Ronald Kumar: Senior lecturer, School of accounting and Finance, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji 4.5.21. Derek Green (US): Philadelphia City Councilmember
8.9.21. Shreya Nanda: Chief economist at the Social Market Foundation
14.12.21. Heather Remoff (US): Anthropologist, Sociologist and Author.
17.12.21. Kristen Sobeck (Aus): Research officer at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
17.12.21. Robert Breunig (Aus): Professor at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
29.12.21. Prof. Philip Goff: Author and prof. of philosophy at Durham University
14.1.22. Dr Michael Kumhof: Economics advisor at the Bank of England. Former economist at the IMF.
14.1.22. Prof. Michael Hudson (US): Prof. of Economics, U of Missouri. Former Wall Street analyst and journalist.
14.1.22. Prof. Charles Goodhart: Emeritus prof. in the Financial Markets group London School of Economics.
4.3.22. Jerusalem Demsas (US): Journalist at the Atlantic online news magazine.
23.5.22. Victoria Masterson: Journalist. Film and radio producer. Senior writer for the World Economic Forum.
18.8.22. Eoin Burke-Kennedy (IRL): Economics correspondent of the Irish Times.
29.9.22. Jamie Driscoll, Metro mayor of North Tyne. Labour and Co-operative party member.
29.9.22. Katy Clark MSP, Labour member for West Scotland
15.11.22. Jules Birch: Housing specialist and columnist for Inside Housing.
16.12.22. Gregor Schwerhoff (Ger): Climate research economist at the IMF
16.12.22. Ottmar Edenhofer (Ger): Director and chief economist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Director of the Mercator Research Institute
16.12.22. Prof. Mark Fleurbaey (Fr): Professor at the Paris School of Economics
1.1.23. Dan Neidle: Tax lawyer and writer. Founder of Tax Policy Associates
2.1.23. Prof. Alex de Ruyter: Professor of politics at Birmingham City U., Director of Brexit Studies.
25.1.23. Chuck Nelson (US): President of the Erie City Counclil
5.2.23. Dr Martin Wolf: Financial editor of the Financial Times
15.2.23. Dr Jeremy Horpedahl (US): Assoc. Prof. of economics at University of Central Arkansas
19.2.23. Peter Courtney (SA): Joint Economics PhD student at Vrije University Amsterdam
(Tinbergen Institute) & Stellenbosch University (ReSEP)
1.3.23. Ben Ramanauskas: Research economist at Oxford U. Former advisor at the Dept. for International Trade
6.3.23. Dr Ken Henry (Aus): Chairman of Australian National Bank. Former Treasury Secretary
20.3.23. Jennifer Williams: Northern correspondent for the Financial Times. Former Politics and Investigations editor at the Manchester Evening News 27.4.23. John Stepek: Senior reporter, Bloomberg News. Former editor at Moneyweek
11.5.23. Andreas Addison (US): Richmond (VA) City Councilmember
11.5.23. Jennifer McClellan (US): Lawyer, Congresswoman and Former Virginia State Senator
11.5.23. Wyatt Gordon (US): Economist & Journalist. Correspondent for the Virginia Mercury
12.5.23. Prof. Mark Skidmore (US): Prof. of Economics at Michigan State University
8.6.23. Dr Daryl Fairweather (US): Chief economist at Redfin, real estate brokers. 10.6.23. Dr Eric Crampton (NZ): Chief economist at New Zealand Initiative think tank. Former lecturer at Canterbury university 14.9.23. Prof. J David Chapman (US): Prof. of Finance and Real Estate, University of Central Oklahoma 26.10.23. Prof. Paul Johnson: Economist. Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Visiting prof. of economics at UCL. 15.11.23. Elizabeth Kepner (US): Senior economics research analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 15.11.23. Rick Mattoon (US): Vice president of economic research, Detroit branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 1.12.23. Audu Liberty Oseni (Nig): Coordnator, MAWA Foundation, West Africa 4.12.23. Prof. Curtis Reynolds (US): Prof. of Economics, Kent State U. Ohio 4.12.23. Prof. Jonathan Andreas (US): Prof. of Economics, Blufton U. Ohio 24.12.23. Shane Phillips (US): Urban Planner. Housing specialist at UCLA Los Angeles.
1.12.23. Noah Hobbs (US): Duluth city councillor, Minnesota
8.12.23. Marty Schladen (US): Award winning investigative journalist 9.1.24. Jared Polis (US): 43rd Governor of Colorado. 9.1.24. Steven Woodrow (US): Lawyer. Member of Colorado House of Representatives. 11.1.24. Prof. John Muellbauer: Prof. of economics at Oxford University
23.1.24. Prof. Nick Gallent: Prof. of Housing and Planning, UCL London
23.1.24. Dr Phoebe Stirling: Housing researcher at Cambridge University
3.4.24. Steve Elkins (US): Economist and Minnesota State representative.
26.4.24. Bankolay Theodore Turay (SL): Sierra Leonean PhD candidate at Lagos University, Nigeria. Land economics specialist.
25.6.24. John Plender: Financial Times senior editorial writer. Former financial editor of the Economist 15.8.24. Matt Stoller (US): Research director for the American Economic Liberties Project 26.9.24. Roderick O’Gorman TD (IRL): Irish government minister and Green Party leader 26.9.24. Dr Kieran McQuinn (IRL): Adjunct prof. of economics Trinity College Dublin. Research Prof. at the Economic and Social Research Institute. 24.9.24. Andy Burnham: Former MP, Mayor of Greater Manchester 29.11.24. Kristina Kulikow (Can): Financial Analyst: 18.12.24. Luke Hanson (US) Co-chair of Sustain St. Paul Board. St Paul Minnesota. 18.12.24. Melissa Wenzel (US) Co-chair of Sustain St. Paul Board. St Paul Minnesota