
Those listed here are non-affiliated organisations or media outlets that either support the idea of LVT or, though maintaining a neutral policy, enable the publication of pro-LVT articles by their own members or outside contributors.  Organisations are subdivided into groups according to the country in which they are based.

Click on the highlighted name to open the relevant article or website:

UK, Ireland & Europe
29.9.04        Joseph Rowntree Foundation:     Independent Social Research Charity
2.12.05        IPPR    Institute for Public Policy Research
19.7.10         New Economics Foundation:     Independent think tank.  
2010.           Demos:     Independent left of centre thinktank.
25.11.11:      38 Degrees:     Progressive political activism organization.                                           23.01.12.     OECD:  Organisation for European Co-operation and Development                           2.2.12          IFS:     Institute for Fiscal Studies:
27.2.12        Tax Justice Network:     Group against tax avoidance, and havens.
9.6.12          Quakernomics:     Quaker website:
14.6.12        Oxfam:      International charity combating poverty and injustice.
13.9.12:       Taxpayers Against Poverty:     Social Justice promotion group
5.12.12        Prospect Magazine
2013?          Ekklesia:     Christian social website:
29.11.13       Res Publica:     Independent non-partisan think tank
20.3.14        Tribune Magazine
8.5.13.          Inside Housing:   Social housing news and information
Ongoing       Post-Crash Economics Society:  (Manchester U. students’ recommended reading)
7.5.14           Scottish TUC:
24.6.15.        New Statesman:
5.10.15.        Adam Smith Institute  Libertarian think tank.
14.5.15.        Centre Forum  Independent Liberal think tank
Ongoing.      Intergenerational Foundation: Non-partisan charity for intergenerational fairness.
Public Sector Executive
28.8.18.       Showhouse magazine:
18.9.18         IMF:   International Monetary Fund                                                                                 1.4.19.          British Retail Consortium;
18.7.20.        Young Conservative Network. Pro LVT article by Tom Spencer:
15.2.21.        Social Justice Ireland:  Site Value Tax.
15.3.21.        Social Justice and Fairness Commission
16.3.21         CEPR. Centre for European Policy Research                                                               28.4.21.        Financial Times
13.9.21.        The TimesEditorial:
Ongoing       Centre for Progressive Policy. Thomas Aubrey
15.3.22.        SNP Social Justice and Fairness commission, report, March 2021:
27.5.22.        The Guardian Newspaper
30.8.22.        IMF:    International Monetary Fund
20.3.23.        Northern Powerhouse Partnership.  Report:
14.6.23.        New Economy Brief
Ongoing       Shared Assets 
Ongoing       Forward Thinking:

27.7.13         Dissident Voice     Online Radical Newsletter
10.2.14         Opednews:
Ongoing       INET:   Institute for New Economic Thinking

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