1. Diagrammatic explanation of LVT.
2. Application of LVT.
3. Advantages of LVT.
4. Early history.
5. 20th Century history.
1. Diagrammatic explanation of LVT.
2. Application of LVT.
3. Advantages of LVT.
4. Early history.
5. 20th Century history.
A good way of explaining LVT is through a series of diagrams showing how land values arise from the first settlement of virgin territory through its evolution to a large community, and the best example of this is the settlement and development of North America. Continue reading
LVT may be described as a levy that society imposes for the exclusive occupation and use of a site. The use to which the site is put may or may not be for wealth-creation purposes. For instance, where a site is occupied for a purely residential purpose, the levy is still payable according to the value of the site. Continue reading
Regional Re-distribution
In the UK, at the present time, a considerable amount of taxpayer’s money is spent on regional assistance schemes aimed at depressed areas, in order to encourage economic activity and a revival in fortunes for the populace in those areas. A national land value tax would automatically address this problem. Continue reading
LVT has never been introduced in Britain, although the idea has been discussed at both central and local government level, and on several occasions almost been implemented. An early history may be traced and summarised chronologically through the following events and publications: Continue reading
Henry George’s influence was extensive after the publication of Progress and Poverty. His ideas attracted many progressive thinkers and politicians of the time, not least of whom was a young Winston Churchill, who became a Liberal MP in 1904. However the forces of landed vested interests also recognised the threat to their power base and were always able to defeat attempts to introduce any system of LVT. Continue reading